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Kevin English 5 uger de

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The "King" of the 202's Trains Back: 5 Weeks Out from the Olympia ... ympia.html
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
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3 weeks out

In this video, Kevin English the current 202 Mr Olympia talks about the importance of closed grip bench press for building big triceps and how this year he plans to have a much fuller and conditioned physique compared to last year's Mr. Olympia. Kevin talks about how Hany Rambod modified his diet and how his body has responded to the changes Hany made.

Kevin also talks about how differently the body can respond from year to year, despite doing the exact same training. Check out the arms of English as he diets his way to the 202 show. ... ympia.html
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
Logbog: Vis logbog
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King of the 202's Kevin English struggles through one of his last workouts before the 2011 202 Showdown. English says he is excited to hit the stage to defend his title. ... k-out.html
Månedens skribent: Maj 2010
Reputation point: 573
Indlæg: 22937
Tilmeldt: 26. jun 2005, 20:35
Logbog: Vis logbog
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